Dairy Shed Structural
Herringbones,Rotory and Housing
We can complete any projects within these areas, from shed extensions, rotary shed structural works right through to complete rotory and herringbone shed structural and bail setups and AI extensions and New builds.

Dairy Shed Backing Gates & Yards
Backing Gates
We supply and build Round Yard Backing Gates with either electric or water drive units and can supply a complete set up from the center post/grates right through to the wash rooms.
Matt also has extensive knowledge about Herdflow and High lift backing gate systems and is more than happy to assist if rectangle yard gates are what you require,
We specialise in quality Yard Construction and can either build to your specifications or help you design a yard layout that suits your needs.
Matt has completed yard works over the years with various different builders including:
Gibson Construction
BWC Construction
Gregory Partnerships
Grant McMillion
Barfoote Construction

Dairy Feed pads & Vet platforms
Feed Pads
We have completed several different types of feed steel works and again can build to your design or help you with a concept to suit your needs.
Vet platforms
Custom built from Steel and Alloy treadplate, our platforms are tough, durable and easy to keep clean.
They look smart and are also light to lift from closed to open position.

Sheep, Goat & Deer Palours
We have completed numerous sheep and goat parlors with various yard options from sheeted alloy or plastic through to mesh or post and rail configurations.

Agricultural, Residential & Commercial
We offer a full range of structural steel work options from traditional structural steel work (I beams and channels) through to cold rolled options (as per above pic). We can supply/fabricate and stand your product or can install your kitset if that suits your budget better.

General Engineering
We offer a comprehensive range of engineering services from Structural steelworks, Dairy shed repairs and maintenance & New Builds to building Trailers, agricultural repairs and maintenance and all your general engineering needs.
We can do the following services:
Alloy and Stainless Steel repairs
Certified Welding
Onsite generator/welder unit
Plate rolling
Pipe and RHS rolling/bending

About Arc Engineering Taupo
Matt Nash – Owner/Director has been involved in the engineering industry for the past 30 years with the past 20 years focusing within the Agricultural/Dairy Sectors.
His involvement has seen him work in many areas including structural steel work, Dairy Shed/Yard Installations, General Engineering & Servicing, Transport enhancer and Construction work.
With Matt’s wide range of knowledge and reputation, ARC Engineering has grown from 2 staff in 2013 to currently 7, who also bring with them sound knowledge from different areas withing the engineering trades.
With this balanced & dedicated team we are able to deliver quality products, on time and to realistic budgets.

For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: 07 3772190 or fill out the following form
Head Office
Contact Us
To apply for a job with Arc Engineering, please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to: arceng1@xtra.co.nz
Get a quote: arcengineering@xtra.co.nz
Copyright © 2021 ARC Engineering Taupo